PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sister Bay Plan Commission will hold public hearings on February 25, 2025, recreating Chapter 65, Floodplain Zoning, and amending Ch. 66, Zoning, and a hearing on March 11, 2025, for the new comprehensive land use plan. Both hearings begin at 5:30 PM, or shortly thereafter. The purpose of the public hearings is to obtain comments and input from the public on the proposed new Floodplain Zoning regulations, Zoning Code text amendments, and new 20-year comprehensive plan. The public hearing will be held at the Sister Bay Liberty Grove Fire Station located at 2258 Mill Rd., Sister Bay. A virtual option is available by visiting, search for the agenda, which includes the Zoom link, or, contact the Village Office by phone at (920) 854-4118. More information is provided below.
- February 25, 2025, Public Hearing: Recreate Ch. 65, Floodplain Zoning, which establishes the regulatory framework for the floodplain areas in the village. Adoption of the ordinance includes adoption of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps. The proposed ordinance can be viewed HERE.
- February 25, 2025, Public Hearing: Amend Ch. 66, Zoning, to create an overlay district for the B-2 zoning district; specific height restrictions in the B-3 district; revised tree regulations; revised water setback; and several other miscellaneous amendments. All proposed amendments can be viewed HERE.
- March 11, 2025, Public Hearing: Adopt an updated 20-year comprehensive plan. The plan addresses how the village is to develop over the next two decades and includes statistical information, goals, and objectives for a variety of elements such as housing, transportation and economic development. The draft plan and past informational session information is available for viewing beginning at noon on February 10, 2025, and can be viewed at, click “Projects”, and click on the Sister Bay logo, or, to view the plan, click HERE.
In addition to testimony presented at the hearings, written correspondence will also be accepted for the February 25, 2025, hearings until 3:00 PM, February 20, 2025; for the March 11, 2025, hearing written correspondence will be accepted until 3:00 PM, March 6, 2025. All correspondence submitted by the deadlines will be entered into the record and forwarded to the Plan Commission but late submissions or anonymous correspondence will be disregarded. Correspondence can be mailed to P.O. Box 769, Sister Bay, WI 54234; faxed to (920) 854-9637; deposited in the drop box at the Administration Office at 2383 Maple Drive, Sister Bay; or e-mailed to The above proposed ordinances and amendments, the draft plan, and correspondence is available for public inspection until the close of business on the day of the hearing and may be viewed at the Sister Bay Administration Building, 2383 Maple Drive, Sister Bay, WI between 8 AM and 4 PM, Monday-Thursday.
By order of the Plan Commission of the Village of Sister Bay
Julie Schmelzer, Village Administrator