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Contacts for Utility Providers in Sister Bay:

Please check with the Village Zoning Administrator before connecting any new gas, water or sewer service

Village of Sister Bay Utilities: 920-854-4118 or, at the Waste Water Plant: 920-854-2246

Private well and septic service exist in the corporate limits of the Village, and testing is required for those private utilities.  Please contact the Village of Sister Bay Utility Department for questions if you have service of this type.

The Village currently contracts with Going Garbage to provide garbage & recycling services for property owners in the Village.

Going Garbage

10564 Old Stage Road
P.O. Box 468
Sister Bay, WI 54234-0468

Door County Cooperative 

317 Green Bay Rd.
Sturgeon Bay, WI
2988 Wanek Rd
Sturgeon Bay, WI
228 S Neenah Ave
Sturgeon Bay, WI

Wisconsin Public Service

Attn: Customer Service
P.O. Box 19003
Green Bay, WI 54307-9003