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The Village Board consists of a Village President and six Trustees who are each elected for two year terms, and their staggered terms of office commence on the 3rd Tuesday of April in the year of their election. Except as otherwise provided by law, the Village President and the Trustees have been charged with responsibly managing and controlling Village owned properties, finances, highways, streets, navigable waters, and all the services that the Village provides to the members of the public. They have also been charged with maintaining the health, safety, welfare and convenience of the members of the public, and are also responsible for the overall government and good order of the Village. 

The regular monthly meetings of the Village Board are always conducted on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm.  If scheduling conflicts and/or quorum issues arise and it is necessary to reschedule a regular monthly meeting of the Village Board, a concerted effort is made to see that notice of the rescheduling of the meeting is provided to the members of the public in as timely a fashion as possible.  

Village of Sister Bay Board Bylaws

Village of Sister Bay Committee/Commission Bylaws